What is Iyengar Yoga


Iyengar yoga is developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the most well-known yoga masters of our time, throughout his life. He was initially taught yoga by Sri T. Krishnamacharya, his brother in law, while he was young.  Later on, through investigation and practical research, he developed his own methodology to teach classical yoga in a systematic and progressive way, grounding his work on the ancient text known as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. B.K.S. Iyengar strived to spread yoga and make it approachable for everyone, regardless of their age and physical or mental capabilities. Consequently, he was the first one to introduce the use of yoga props as learning tools.   


The teaching method emphasizes safety, alignment, sequencing and timing. It is a progressive way of teaching that is aimed to develop practioner’s skills and abilities.  While practicing the yoga postures, there is focus on precision and alignment to avoid physical injuries and imbalances.  This focus on precision and alignment brings about a harmony not only at the physical level but also at mental and energetic levels, allowing the yoga practice to create balance in our body and mind.  The yoga poses taught in variety of sequences that create certain physical or/and mental effects as well as develop strength, flexibility and stamina, leading to more challenging poses by time.  Furthermore, the sequences can be adapted to needs, ability and age within a class when necessary.  We use yoga props such as blocks, belts, blankets and bolsters to facilitate learning, to bring awareness to certain aspects of a yoga posture or a certain part of our body, or to work with individual needs such as stiffness, injuries etc.